Friday, September 12, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Qualified?

I am excited to start my very own political blog. I didn’t really think anyone cared about my opinions, but apparently I was wrong. I was quite surprised and flattered by all of the compliments and encouragement that I received to continue writing political posts.

So here I go! For my first post, I first thought I would write about some of the Obama thoughts that are swimming around in my head. But I changed my mind. There is something that I just have to get out.

I was on facebook, writing on the wall of one of my friends. Of course, I had to read the previous posts (come on…I know I am not the only wall stalker out there!) My jaw seriously dropped as I read the post directly before mine. I do not know the girl who posted it, and I’m sure she is a perfectly nice person. Perfectly nice, but not necessarily perfectly smart. Did I just say that? OK, here is the actual post:

What's up with the Palin invites? I know I should be in love but I have my own issues playing into this. Doesn't anyone else think that maybe the role of VP is alittle much for a mother of five with an infant at home and a grandbaby on the way? Or that perhaps someone with alittle more experience might have been a better choice in case he kicks the bucket? Ah well, I'm still voting for them, don't worry, but I'm not joining the fan club.


I believe that this girl is just a victim of blindly repeating things she hears on the news. Here are a few recent quotes from the oh-so-“unbiased” media:

“Is she prepared for the all-consuming nature of the job? She is the mother of five children, one of them a four-month-old with Down Syndrome. Her first priority has to be her children. When the phone rings at three in the morning and one of her children is really sick what choice will she make?”
Sally Quinn, Washington Post

“There’s also this issue that on April 18th, she gave birth to a baby with Down’s Syndrome…. Children with Down’s syndrome require an awful lot of attention. The role of Vice President, it seems to me, would take up an awful lot of her time, and it raises the issue of how much time will she have to dedicate to her newborn child?” John Roberts CNN

Did you know that Kohn F. Kennedy’s son, John Jr., was born just weeks after his father was elected? Caroline was only three. Man, I just don’t see how he’s going to be able to perform his duties as president with a newborn around. Do you think that question was raised? Of course not! His wife also suffered a miscarriage just months before he was assassinated. Certainly he isn’t fit to be president. His family needed him.

This kind of question would never be raised of a man. The thing is, Sarah Palin has a wonderful, caring husband. I think it is great that the men of our generation share the responsibility of raising children. It’s even better that they do it willingly and happily. Men are capable of rearing children. End of story.

If the Palin family has decided that this family dynamic works for them; who the heck are we to question their decision? These children have two parents that love them very much. If reversing the traditional roles works best for their family…great!

The thing that kills me is that it’s the “feminists” that are yelling the loudest. I read a story about a feminist woman who bragged about returning to work less than a week after giving birth, saying that was all she needed. This same woman is vocal about her opinion that Sarah Palin should spend more time at home with her baby with Downs Syndrome.

These are the same women who have argued that women can “have it all” and “do it all”. I looked up the definition of feminism is “the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes”.


Sarah Palin chose to have a family, and then she chose to enter the political arena. She is a smart and capable woman, and I think she can balance her career and family as well as any man.

I would also like to address the second part of the comment left by my friend’s friend (who will remain nameless).

“…perhaps someone with alittle more experience might have been a better choice in case he kicks the bucket?”

Again, she is just regurgitating what she was fed by the liberal media. First and foremost:

As the chief executive of her state, she is better prepared, and has more experience to bring to the presidency than the man who heads the democratic ticket, who had only a year in the U.S. Senate before he started running for president (these are Glen Beck’s words…he just said it so perfectly I decided to quote him)

At the time that Obama announced that he was running for president, he had been a U.S. Senator for 767 days. When Sarah Palin was announced as a vice presidential candidate, she had been the governor of Alaska for 634 days. Hmmm.

Also, oil and gas prices are a top issue in this election. She has unique energy experience as the governor of oil-rich Alaska where 85 percent of the budget comes from oil revenue. She's also the previous head of the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Did you catch that she was the head of the commission? Let’s see…head of a city, head of an important commission, head of a STATE!

As Governor, Palin operates a $9 billion budget, and manages $13 billion in revenue. Furthermore, she runs a government that employs 25,000 people.

I guess Obama is the head of his campaign…

1 comment:

Familia Morales said...

This is great Aubrey! Keep it up.